Get Involved

Creating long-term effects on poverty in Haiti starts with education. Education creates a positive ripple effect across communities that allows people to take control of their futures & change their lives for the better.

You can be part of that change. Here are a few suggestions on how you can get involved.


Become an English-speaker partner

Over the last few weeks, volunteers have had Zoom calls with our Welcome House kids, who have been stuck inside the apartment all day and night. This has brought them immense joy and has been great for keeping them on top of their English while school is not in session.

Sponsor a classroom

Due to the rapid growth of our elementary school and a significant interest in the Vivy Mitchel community, we have decided to shift our funding model away from single-student sponsorship. The Classroom Ambassador Program allows a donor to support the cost of books, school supplies, and tuition for an entire class of 20 - 30 students. With this support, donors will receive monthly newsletters from the class, including what they are learning and how they are developing in their studies! This model is a great way to see the impact of your generosity on the lives of students in Haiti.

Make a Donation

You can help us create opportunities for children in need through our education and development programs.