Our Programs

In Haiti, only 20% of middle school and high school age kids stay in school.

Haiti’s school system is dominated by the private sector making school tuition too expensive for most families, especially past middle school. Our education program helps families overcome this obstacle by covering the cost of tuition & providing additional support to keep kids in school.

Creating long-term effects on poverty in Haiti starts with education. Education creates a positive ripple effect across communities that allows people to take control of their futures & change their lives for the better.

  • In fall of 2022, we opened the doors to Project Fleri Scholastic Academy (PFSA) Elementary School, teaching K - grade 4. Our goal is to expand our elementary school to include grade 6. 

  • Many children in Haiti don’t receive a daily meal. Since 2020, Project Fleri has partnered with two schools in Port au Prince to provide daily meals to its students. Our school lunch program provides the 900 children at St. Louis and St. Jude with a nutritious, daily meal to help them continue to grow and develop in and outside of school.

  • The after-school program provides tutoring and enrichment activities such as soccer and arts clubs.

  • We provide education scholarships to students in need within the Vivy Mitchel community. 

  • The Project Fleri Welcome House is an IBESR (Haitian Social Services) accredited home for 20 vulnerable children in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our goal is to provide a safe home, food, and education for children who do not have another option for living. We create a safe, family environment for children to grow and learn while working to reunite families whenever possible. 

    David & Neva, Project Fleri’s foster parents, live at the home with our children and create a family environment with warm family relationships. Along with the family environment our kids receive, we provide emotional support, education, and a diversified continuum of services with a focus on self-sustained skill development. A plan is developed for each child leading to an outcome of healthy reunification, kinship care, or independent living through education or work opportunities.

    The Welcome House has become a community center for all the children in the neighborhood. Our goal is for every kid in our program and in the neighborhood to feel like they have a place to come any time.